Vancouver Aikikai: Renfrew Community Centre, 2929 East 22nd Ave, Vancouver, BC


Interested in Aikido? Come Join Us!

You always welcome to come to observe or try a class. Please arrive before the class begins and introduce yourself to the instructor. Please wear loose-fitting clothes with knees that you can roll around in (e.g. like sweat pants and a t-shirt). For people new to Aikido, your first class is free! Come and experiment with us. We look forward to seeing and practicing with you.


Aikido Seminars and Announcements

For the latest Aikido Seminars and Announcements, please click the "Show Posts" button below.


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Vancouver Aikikai Kagami Biraki and Paul Martin Remembrance – Sunday, January 11

To usher in a new year of Aikido practice, Vancouver Aikikai will hold its 2015 Kagami Biraki on Sunday, January 11 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.

This year’s Kagami Biraki will be dedicated to the memory of Paul Martin.


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3:30 – 4:30: Class

4:30 – 5:30: Paul Martin remembrance, breaking of mochi, food, drinks and socializing

Attendance is free and everyone is welcome.

Scott MacPhail Sensei Seminar, January 24, 2015

Vancouver Akikai is pleased to announce a seminar with Scott Macphail Sensei, 6th Dan Shidoin, to be held on Saturday, January 24 2015.

Scott Macphail Sensei is the Chief Instructor of the Victoria Its quick dissolving formula provides quick result to improve the condition. buy cheap levitra I’m really noting down the items I’ve achieved somehow purchase cheap cialis for this month. Although, Kamagra is easily available to treat the same disorder levitra price view this of erectile dysfunction in men, the excellent solution Kamagra is to order it online. The prevalence of ED generic cialis in canada varies according to the age. Aikido Centre and one of the most senior Aikido instructors in BC. You can find Sensei Macphail’s full biography at

Seminar details will follow. I hope to see you there!

Vancouver Aikikai Seminar with Jobe Groot Sensei, 6th Dan

Vancouver Aikikai is pleased to invite you to a seminar with Jobe Groot Sensei, 6th Dan, Shidoin. The seminar will take place at the Renfrew dojo on May 31, 2014.

Jobe Groot, 6th dan, Shidoin, is Chief Instructor of Mountain Coast Aikikai in Vancouver, BC andhas been training in Aikido for more than 35 years.  He received intensive training, primarily under the direction of I. Ishiyama Shihan, Y. Kawahara Shihan and T.K. Chiba Shihan (a direct disciple of Aikido Founder, Morihei Ueshiba) and has also trained for concentrated periods with other prominent Aikido Shihan, including: Y. Yamada, I. Shibata and T. Miyamoto.

Groot Sensei holds the rank of Rokudan (6th degree black belt) in Aikido and the teaching certification of Shidoin – awarded by T.K. Chiba, Shihan and recognized by Aikikai Hombu Dojo and Birankai International-North America.  He is the Chief Instructor of Mountain Coast Aikikai and has been actively instructing students in Aikido tai-jutsu (body arts), Iai-Batto-ho, Zazen (Zen Meditation) and mind-body fitness, since the dojo opened in 1991.

Mr. Groot is an Associate Member of the Senior Council of Birankai North America and a member of both the Examination Committee and Teachers’ Council of Birankai North America.

In addition to his ongoing training in Aikido, Iai-Batto-ho, Zazen and Yoga, Mr. Groot has supplemented his study with concentrated training in a number of other martial arts and body-mind disciplines, including: Ju-jutsu, Iai-jutsu, Iaido, Kenjutsu, Taijiquan, Qigong and various mindfulness practices.

Groot Sensei travels periodically to train and instruct at Aikido seminars and training intensives in Canada, the United States, Europe and South-East Asia.

Seminar details are as follows:


Saturday, May 31, 2014


Renfrew Dojo, Renfrew Park Community Centre, 2929 East 22nd Avenue Vancouver, BC, V5M 2Y3

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Class schedule

Registration: 10:30 AM

Class 1 (11:00 – Noon):

Class 2 (12:15 – 1:15):

Class 3 (1:30 – 2:30):


Seminar: $30.00

Single class: $12.00

Seminar contacts

Ryan Cho (ryanacho[at], David Alexander (david[at]

Tony Hind Sensei Seminar Follow-up

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Tony Hind Sensei Seminar in January 2014. Constant stress releases a stress hormone called cortisol, which affects the blood flow and brain chemicals that promote erection remain in the penis for a longer enough times to finish his sexual desire or full prices of viagra fill his partner’s requirement for time of happy sex. It maintains the hormonal balance purchase generic viagra and safeguards you from infections. You will also experience arthritis and joint pain Autonomic neuropathy The autonomic nervous system controls your viagra pills from india heart, bladder, lungs, stomach, intestines, sex organs and eyes. This medication ought to be brought just with plain water levitra for sale online and not with any sort liquor or refreshments.  We hope to see you again!


Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. ~Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
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